All Posts tagged SMAS face lift

SMAS face Lift In Melbourne Fl

SMAS face Lift In Melbourne Fl

A SMAS face lift, short for superficial musculo-aponeurotic system face lift, is a surgical procedure that addresses sagging jowls, cheeks, skin folds on the neck and other excessive skin issues that occur in the lower two-thirds of the face. Unlike a traditional face lift, a SMAS face lift performed by our experienced plastic surgeon in Melbourne, Florida is done by manipulating the deeper layers of the skin, which helps achieve more natural and longer lasting results. Below the skin, there is a layer of fibrous and muscular tissue that is tightly attached to the superficial skin layer, which shapes several facial regions. This connection is especially prominent at the nasolabial folds, also known as smile lines. During a SMAS face lift, our highly trained plastic surgeon from Melbourne, Florida will make a well-hidden small incision in the hairy region of the scalp. Then the surgeon will proceed by finding the deeper fibrous skin layer and manipulating it so that the skin will look tighter and sagging skin regions or neck folds will disappear. Any excessive skin will be removed and the skin will be re-attached carefully in the appropriate position.

Unlike a conventional face lift, a SMAS face lift performed in Melbourne, Florida is done to achieve a more natural lift of all skin elements rather than just the superficial skin layer. Although a SMAS face lift that is performed by our highly skilled plastic surgeon in Melbourne, Florida is a safe and effective surgical procedure, it is important to discuss your preferences and expectations with our experienced medical team. The surgeon will carefully evaluate your medical history and may ask you about any prescription medications that you may be taking. If you are prescribed blood thinners or steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, the surgeon may ask you to lower the dosage to avoid potential excessive bleeding and to speed-up the healing time. A SMAS face lift is usually associated with mild swelling and bruising that is temporary and will disappear in a few days. Our skilled plastic surgeon in Melbourne, Florida chooses the best SMAS face lift surgical technique after individually evaluating each case to minimize swelling and achieve superb results with minimal risks.
